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Published on: 2014-04-04
Released on: 2014-04-04
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INTRODUCTION TO CHAPTER FOUR - ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE:The detection of enemy submarines is one of theNavy’s major problems today. There are many typesof equipment in use that aid in the detection andtracking of submarines. As an aviation electronicstechnician, you will need to understand the principlesused in these equipments. Once again, every effort ismade to discuss as many different platforms andequipments as possible.SONAR PRINCIPLESLearning Objective: Identify factors thataffect the behavior of a sound beam in water.The word sonar is derived from the initial lettersof SOund, NAvigation, and Ranging. The word sonaris used to describe equipment that transmits andreceives sound energy propagated through water.Airborne sonar equipment is commonly called“dipping sonar,” and is used aboard varioushelicopters. Sonobuoys, also a form of sonar, will bediscussed later in this chapter.The operating principles of sonar are similar tothat of radar, except sound waves are used instead ofradio frequency waves. When the sound wave strikesan object, some of the energy reflects back to thesource from which it came. Since the speed of thesound wave and the time it takes to travel out andback are known, range can be determined. Byknowing the direction from which the sound echo isreflected, the operator can determine the bearinginformation.The type of sonar equipment that dependsprimarily on a transmitted sound wave and thereception of an echo to determine range and bearingof a target is known as echo-ranging or active sonarequipment. Another type of sonar equipment isreferred to as listening or passive sonar. This type ofsonar uses the target as the sound source. Althoughmost sonar equipment can be used in either mode ofoperation, surface ships and aircraft generally use theactive mode, and submarines use the passive mode.In echo-ranging sonar equipment, the source ofthe sound wave is a transducer. The sonar transduceris a watertight unit that is used to convert electricalenergy into acoustical energy and acoustical energyback into electrical energy. The transducer acts like aloudspeaker in an office intercom system, alternatelyconverting electrical energy into mechanical energyand mechanical energy into electrical energy. Thetransducer acts like an underwater loudspeaker duringtransmission and an underwater microphone duringreception. The sound waves produced by a sonartransducer are represented by the circular lines shownin figure 4-1. Refer to this figure as you read thefollowing text.When the diaphragm of the transducer movesoutward, it moves the water next to the diaphragm.This produces a high-pressure area or compression inthe water. When the diaphragm of the transducermoves inward, the water next to the diaphragm movesinward. Thus, a low-pressure or rarefaction isproduced in the water. As long as the diaphragm isvibrating, alternate compressions and rarefactionstravel outward from the transducer in the water. Thedistance between two successive rarefactions or twosuccessive compressions is the wavelength of thesound wave. The frequency (in hertz) of the soundwave is the number of wavelengths that occur everysecond.FACTORS AFFECTING THE SOUND BEAMThe particular sound waves of interest to thesonar operator are the waves that leave the sonartransducer in the form of a beam and go out into thewater in search of a submarine. If the sound beamfinds a target, it will return in the form of an echo.The use of sonar equipment depends on thepresence and the recognition of an echo from a target.Detection of the echo depends on the quality andrelative strength (loudness) of the echo compared tothe strength and character of other sounds, since theytend to mask or cover it.The sonar operator should know what factors canweaken the sound beam as it travels through water,what fa Requirements - Naval Sea Systems Command - Navy 1300000000 2016. 2500000000 2016. 300000000 2016. 750000000 2016. 50000000 2016. 150000000 2016. 115000000 2016. 50000000 2016. 7000000000 2016. 5000000 2016 ... Brown_freq Compleat Lexical Tutor brown_freq worrisome worry worry-worryin worrying worse worsened worsens worship worshiped worshipful worshiping worshipped worshippers worshipping worst worst-marked JTP :: Slovnk anglickch vojenskch zkratek Mal encyklopedie charakterovch vlastnost aneb Jak poznat lovka na prvn pohled; Latinsk a esk jmna hub psmeno C; Slovnk sexulnch chylek ... P-3 Orion - Military Aircraft - Federation Of American ... P-3 Orion The P-3C is a land-based long range anti-submarine warfare (ASW) patrol aircraft. It has advanced submarine detection sensors such as directional frequency ... PDF Books - Michael Strebensen. I found out about Playster in the New York times and I'm very happy about it: One of the newest contenders in the crowded field a company ...
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